Monday, January 10, 2011

Sleeping Like Logs

Ahhhh - a whole week of sleeping like logs!  Last Monday, our much-anticipated STUFF arrived!  The premier piece, and the reason for shipping at all, was our well-loved mattress - uncrated and set up within an hour of arrival :-).
 Supporting cast members in our sleep saga include boxes of books, bins of weights (unbelievably difficult to find here), and a portable dishwasher!  So, after a nice dinner, we don't have to worry about doing the dishes, we can settle in with a nice book, then sleep like the dead, awaken refreshed, and spend the day lifting weights (and dirtying more dishes, of course)!  

PS - I can see Dad cringing now - yes, we had to leave the feet on, since that is how it was delivered (It was brought in last, so there was no chance to read the uncrating instructions before the movers left).  Everything worked out just fine though :-)

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