Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cream of Sweet Red Chili Soup

Cream of Sweet Red Chili Soup

Fire and Peel 6 Chili Dulces*

Chop and saute one onion in 2 Tbs butter

Combine above with:
- 2 cups water
- 1 bouillon cube (chicken)
- basil, cayenne, cloves, cumin to taste

Bring to boil, then cool slightly.
Pour all into a blender, and blend until smooth.

In a jar, mix 1/2 cup milk with 3 Tbs powdered milk, then add to blender.

Serve hot, with bread or crackers.

* Firing chili dulces is easy if you have a gas stove and tongs!  Hold each whole chili over the open flame until the skin is blackened and hardened.  Place fired chilis in a covered bowl and let rest for 15 minutes or more.  Pull off the skin, and rinse if needed.  Remove seeds and ribs.

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