Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Have License, Will Drive

We've been coming to Costa Rica since the beginning of 2006, and we have had our Costa Rican driver's licenses since the day we got our cédulas in early 2007.  In all that time, it has been sort of fun to say that we've never driven here.  Well, no more!  Last weekend, I house-sat for friends - early in the morning of day one, I drove them to the bus station, and late in the afternoon of the last day, I picked them up.  So, not only have I now driven here, it has *all* been done in the dark!  Thankfully, I had ridden the bus often enough that I knew my way around, and had very few guesses, and no wrong turns :-).
On the other hand, Rick wasn't with me, and *he* still gets to say that he has his license, but has never driven here...


McEnerny said...

You forgot to mention driving in the pouring rain - in the dark!

Julie said...

oh yeah! rain too...