Thursday, February 11, 2010

Julie's Brownies

I finally brought some of my favorite long-time recipes to Costa Rica. I did this even knowing that some ingredients are difficult (and sometimes downright impossible) to find. However! I am getting used to modifying old favorites for the Costa Rican markets. And I am finally *very* happy with the Brownie recipe I ended up with :-D.


125 grams Semi-sweet chocolate (5 pieces of "Torras" "sin azúcar," with splenda, or 14 pieces of "La Chocolatería")
3/4 cup (1 1/2 bars) of butter
1/2 cup powdered cocoa, unsweetened ("La Chocolatería" or Hersheys)
1 1/2 cups sugar
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup flour
1/2 to 1 cup chopped pecans (optional)

1) Heat oven to 350 degrees F (325 for glass)
2) In a big bowl, heat the chocolate and butter in the microwave on high for 1-2 minutes (only until the butter is melted; the chocolate should not be completely melted)
3) stir until the chocolate is completely melted
4) add the sugar and the cocoa powder, and stir well
5) add the eggs and vanilla, and stir well
6) stir in the flour and pecans
7) pour into a foil-lined and greased pan (I use a 12 inch x 8 inch; you can use 13x9, but adjust the baking time down)
8) bake 40-45 min (but test after 30 min). Do not overbake! (this is very important) Test with a toothpick in the center - when done, it should come out with some liquid and fudgy crumbs
9) cool in the pan, then cut into squares

- you can use only one bowl, but I prefer to use one big bowl for mixing, and a small bowl for stirring the eggs before adding them to the mix
- it is easier to cut the brownies if you first put them in the fridge for several hours. Also, wetting the knife helps.

Spanish - modified thanks to feedback from Eleonora :-)

125 g de chocolate semi-dulce (5 piezas de "Torras" sin azúcar, con splenda, o 14 piezas de "La Chocolatería")
3/4 taza (1 + 1/2 barras) mantequilla pura
1/2 taza cocoa pura, sin azúcar, en polvo
1 + 1/2 taza azúcar
3 huevos
1 cucharadita de vainilla
1 taza harina (blanco, trigo)
1/2 o 1 taza pecanas, no muy picadas (opcional)

1) Precalentar el horno a 350 grados F (325 por pyrex)
2) En el microondas, poner un plato grande y hondo para calentar el chocolate y la mantequilla por 1 ó 2 minutos máximo (el chocolate no va a derretirse mucho, solo hasta que la mantequilla se derrita y se pongo bien líquida).
3) Revolver hasta el chocolate esté completamente líquido
4) Agregar el azúcar y la cocoa. Revolver bien
5) Agregar los huevos, la vainilla, y mezclarlos bien
6) Agregar la harina, las pecanas y revolver
7) Poner en una cacerola (forrada con papel de aluminio, y engrasado) (tengo 12x8 pulgadas; se puede usar 13x9, pero ajusta el tiempo - menos)
8) Hornear 40-45 minutos (pero probar después 30 min). No hornear demasiado (esto es muy importante). Probar con un palillo en el centro - cuando viene líquido y con unas migas, significa que está listo.
9) Enfríe en la cacerola, luego parta

Puede únicamente utilizar un plato hondo, pero preferiblemente utilice uno grande para todo, y uno pequeño por los huevos (para revolver antes agregando).


Tica Macha said...

I love making brownies and will surely give your recipe a whirl.
It's amazing how many recipes there are for brownies!! check out and you will see what I mean! It's all good!

Julie said...

thanks TM - the hard part for me was that I couldn't find completely unsweetened chocolate! So I never made my favorite brownies until I finally decided to adjust for semi-sweet. Now, I think I like them even better (but who can remember, eh?)